Formed in 1996, Shining is a Swedish Extreme band that incorporates many doom metal elements in the music. Due to the depressive undertones of their music and the mostly suicide-themed lyrics, Shining’s music is often referred to as “suicidal black metal” although the band themselves would point out that they are not a Black Metal band.
Niklas Kvarforth – Vocals
Peter Huss – Guitars
Christian Larsson – Bass
Live Members:
Euge Valovirta – Guitars
Rainer Tuomikanto – Drums
Former Members :
Fredric Gråby (2006-2011)
John Doe (2005–2006)
Casado (2005–2006)
Håkan “Inisis” Ollars (2002)
Larsen (2008-2010)
Phil A. Cirone (2001–2005, 2007–2008)
Johan Hallander (2005–2007)
Tusk (2000–2001)
Richard “Rick” Schill (2008 – 2010)
Jarle “Uruz” Byberg (2007–2008)
Ludvig Witt (2005–2007) (2011 -2012 )
Jan Axel “Hellhammer” Blomberg (2001–2004)
Ted “Impaler” Wedebrand (1998–2001)