1. Sulphuric (4:37)
2. Burn in Hell (5:31)
3. 666 Megatons (3:25)
4. Baptized by Pain (4:12)
5. Everlasting Fire (4:31)
6. Boundless Anger and Revenge (4:24)
7. Spirit of Chaos (4:22)
8. Earthly Damnation (4:05)
CD Jewel case
Cat N°: OPCD509 – UPC: 3663663014721
LP Gatefold
Cat N°: OPLP509cherry – no barcode
MC Tape
Cat N°: OPCS509 – no barcode
Finaly after many years of absolute silence this album is back in stock.
Originally released by Damnation records, reprinted by no sign of life, Finland, and now Osmose Productions took the lead and unleash it as it is…recommended for Nuns, cunts and hater of humans in general.
Recorded in 72 hours at infamous studio Perkele, Kuopio, Finland. Unjoy!